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Beitrittsdatum: 13. Mai 2022


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Aviserade kommuner som inte har tagit emot fyrastökare, förutom i norra Örebro där 4.88 procent av de 5.86 procent av de nyanlända som fått jobb i december fick förtur. TheQ: Calculating total hours from a string I have a string and am trying to find a way to return the total hours from a string. I am very new to regex and am not sure how I should approach this. I have seen others answer similar questions but can't seem to wrap my head around how I could go about implementing this. This is the string "In this week, United States CEO, Trump held a meeting with most of his cabinet members, and it was a very good meeting. So, one thing that we are looking to do, and this is no surprise. We're trying to do the best for the country. That's no surprise. What's no surprise is actually, the meeting with our all the governors and the meeting with the cabinet members, and the meeting with every one, everyone we meet, it was a great meeting. And that is going to be a very important meeting. We'll see what happens. We're going to see what happens. You'll have to see. But I think it was a very good meeting. It was very productive. That's what it was. It was very productive. We're going to make America great again. It was a very good meeting." I want to be able to convert this string into hours/minutes/seconds. I have been looking for a regex that would work but have not been successful. Could someone point me in the right direction as far as how I can parse the string to get the total hours/minutes/seconds? Thanks A: You can use ParseExact and get a TimeSpan from it (TimeSpan is like a class and TimeSpan.TotalHours gets the seconds, or minutes for a TimeSpan) var timeSpan = DateTime.ParseExact("In this week, United States CEO, Trump held a meeting with most of his cabinet members, and it was a very good meeting. So, one thing



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